Anniversary Competition
We have a winner for the Fiat 500 Rockstar!
The cashless code that won the Fiat is:
If this is the code on the back of your branded NR19 cashless card, send us an email with a clear photo of the backside of your card to .You will then receive all further information about how to get your car.
We have a winner! The cashless code that won the Yamaha Scooter is:
If this is the code on the back of your branded NR19 cashless card, send us an email with a clear photo of the backside of your card to .You will then receive all further information about how to get your scooter.
The Fiat car will be drawn in the next days.
We have a winner! The cashless code that won the Yamaha drum set is:
If this is the code on the back of your branded NR19 cashless card, send us an email with a clear photo of your code to .You will then receive all further information about how to get your drum set.